genius, tutorial

How $5, IKEA and Hobby Lobby help me shine a little brighter.

I’ve always been jealous of women who wear jewelry. Not just expensive jewelry, but earrings, necklaces, bracelets – things that add that extra oommph to an outfit. I’m not one of those women – but I’m trying to be.

So I buy a piece here and there – mostly earrings and necklaces.  I can’t wear bracelets, they just get in the way when I’m trying to type or write. (Remember writing, by hand? on paper?) Then I put them away in my jewelry box (yeah right, more likely on the mantle, or on the kitchen counter, or wherever SK ends up playing with it) and I forget all about them. Once I realized that if I can see the jewelry I’m much more likely to wear it, I had to find a way to organize it.

With a little help from IKEA and Hobby Lobby, I came up with this:

It’s a 4×6″ frame from IKEA (Tolsby link here) and a 69-cent plastic canvas sheet from Hobby Lobby (you’ll find them by the embroidery floss in any craft store).  Cut the canvas sheet to 4×6, insert it in the frame, and TA-DAHHH! An earring holder, for under $2.  And now they come in more colors, to brighten up your day. Cheap and cheerful, and your earrings are no longer tangled in a box, or hidden away never to be worn. And if you want to go whole hog, you can splurge another $2.99 on the Bygel rail and use it to hang your necklaces. Organized jewelry, check!

necklace area


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